Xara designer pro tint an image
Xara designer pro tint an image

xara designer pro tint an image

In the value column type:Ĭlass=LogoFilter src="" angle="90" align="right" valign="top" strengthPercent="50" You now see a table with a "Name" and "Value" column.

xara designer pro tint an image

To achieve this effect, open album settings, then click the "Advanced" tab and the "User variables" sub-tab. We want to apply this image half-transparently along the top-right edge of each image, like this: Let's use the updated LogoFilter to apply a logotype watermark onto each image: Here is the image we will be using as a watermark by the way: The classic image filters generally apply to all images of an album, but can be restricted to apply to closeup images or thumbnail images only. The classic filters are mostly used by skins and many skins actually provide some basic user interface settings, but if you learn to manipulate these filters directly, then you are not limited to the filter features a certain skin provides. They have been around since the early days of jAlbum and don't provide a user interface, but they are powerful and have just got some more enhancements with the latest jAlbum 9.4 release. Probably unknown to you, unless you've studied the image filters page of this site are the classic image filters. You can however not apply Edit mode filters to closeup images only or thumbnails only. The advantage with "Edit mode filters" lies in the user friendlyness of the user interface, the ability to apply an effect on a select number of images and to apply different effects to different images. Now select the images you wish to apply the effect to (CTRL+A or CMD+A selects all) and right click again and select "Image filters->Paste".

xara designer pro tint an image

From the popup menu that now shows, select "Image filters->Copy". Leave edit mode and right click the image you just edited. Now perform the desired operation, for instance applying a grayscale or tint effect. These image filters are probably the ones you're already familiar with, but did you know you can automatically apply them to several images? Double click any thumbnail image in jAlbum to enter Edit mode. Both options have interesting properties. If you wish to apply a certain image effect to all images or thumbnails of an album, like grayscale, cropping or watermark, then you have two basic options: Using the "Edit mode" image filters or the "classic" image filters.

Xara designer pro tint an image